

Discover the musicality within…

Welcome! At Raindrop Audio our love for music drives the search for a sound so real and naturally musical, it effortlessly draws you into the performance. You’ll find yourself totally immersed, eyes shut and feet tapping, savouring the sweet sound of music…

Realism and musicality are our goals – as a means to deepen your immersion into music and heighten your enjoyment and appreciation of it.

We do not follow the crowd in this pursuit – the key products we represent are state-of-the-art, unconventional and often rule-bending designs that not only set new benchmarks in sound quality and value, but also addresses the many real-world problems challenging good sound in your listening room.

As Hi-Fi specialists, we go the extra mile with these award-winning products, providing professional consultation, meticulous home installations and great after-sales service… because our commitment is to bring absolutely beautiful, true-to-life music into your home!

Visit/call us to find out more. Also check out our Special Deals!

